
会社名 国際通運(株)
Kokusai Tsuuun Kabushiki Kaisha
書誌事項 [ 12400 / A894 ]国際通運株式会社史 / 国際通運株式会社編
東京 : 国際通運 : 1938.12
6, 2, 16, 2, 399p, 図版 ; 27cm
Kokusai Tsuuun Kabushiki Kaisha shi
奥付の編纂兼発行者: 国際通運株式会社清算人中野金次郎 ; 印刷所: 凸版印刷 ; 非売品 ; 縦組み ; 表紙に社章の型押し ; 見返しに今昔の運送業画 ; 題字は相談役・郷誠之助
各種ID 『会社史総合目録 増補・改訂版』一連アイテム番号:4358 / 『主要企業の系譜図』図番号:22-20 / 『企業名変遷要覧』企業番号:2937(日本通運)
Company and Shashi Overview
The Edo Jobikyaku don’ya (wholesale express messengers) began in 1639 and were reorganized in the Meiji period to form Riku-un Moto Kaisha (Land Transport Company), which handled nationwide freight transport under the protection of the government. The company was renamed Naikoku Tsu-un Kaisha (Domestic Express Company) in 1875 and reorganized into a joint-stock company in 1896. The spread of railroads caused a flood of short distance carriers, but the government enforced large-scale amalgamations. Naikoku Tsu-un merged with a large number of short distance carriers in 1928 and renamed itself Kokusai Tsu-un Kabushiki Kaisha (International Express Co., Ltd). Covering the whole country, Kokusai Tsu-un strove for the development and improvement of land and maritime transportation. Dissolved due to national regulations in 1937, the company was taken over by the government-funded Nippon Express Company, Ltd. This shashi covers 300 years of history divided into the Edo period Jobikyaku don’ya era, the Riku-un Moto Kaisha era, the Naikoku Tsu-un era, the Naikoku Tsu-un Kabushiki Kaisha era, and the Kokusai Tsu-un Kabushiki Kaisha era. The shashi devotes many pages to the history of the establishment of Kokusai Tsu-un and the establishment of Nippon Express.
日経業種 陸運
PermaLink https://shashi.shibusawa.or.jp/details_basic.php?sid=12400