
会社名 トヨタ自動車(株)
Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha
Toyota Motor Corporation
書誌事項 [ 6633 / B716 ]トヨタ自動車75年史
豊田 : トヨタ自動車 : 2013.03
516p ; 27cm
Toyota Jidosha 75-nenshi
奥付のタイトル: トヨタ自動車75年史 : もっといいクルマをつくろうよ ; 英文社名: Toyota Motor Corporation (資料編p2) ; 印刷・製本: 大日本印刷, DNP中部 ; 2012年11月2日に公式企業サイトに公開した『トヨタ自動車75年史』を収録したもの ; 資料編と同箱入 ; 横組み
各種ID 『主要企業の系譜図』図番号:16-15 / 『企業名変遷要覧』企業番号:2661
Company and Shashi Overview
Toyota Motor Corporation’s 75-year history consists of three parts. The first part, “Taking on the Automotive Business,” includes transcriptions of Toyoda Sakichi’s inventions and covers the period from Toyoda Kiichiro’s first foray into the automobile business in 1937 to preparations for post-WWII mass production and sales in the mid-1950s. Part 2, “Entering the Automotive Business,” covers the establishment of systems for mass production, the development of new car models, and the response to social demands in the late 1970s. Part 3, “Leaping Forward as a Global Corporation,” covers overseas production, globalization, and management crises from the merger of the production and sales arms of the company to the 2010s. There is an index at the end and a separate volume of collected materials. 75 Years of Toyota was first published in 2012 in digital form on the official website of the Toyota Motor Corporation before being published in print form the following year.
日経業種 自動車・自動車部品
PermaLink https://shashi.shibusawa.or.jp/details_basic.php?sid=6633