(株)第一勧業銀行『Our 20-year history』(c1991)


月日 事項 年表種別
昭和59年(1984) - 【竜門社】「渋沢・クローデル賞」の共催に参加する。 渋沢関係略年譜
12月 Hong Kong Branch opened.
昭和60年(1985) - 【渋沢史料館】特別展「明治の知識集団 民部省改正掛」展開催。 渋沢関係略年譜
1月 Heart Automatic Accumulation Time Deposit My Step service introduced.
1月 Melbourne Representative Office opened.
3月 Sankin-kai's "Heartopia: The Miracle of Nature" pavilion at Tsukuba Expo '85 opened.
3月 Atlanta Representative Office opened.
4月 President Nobuya Hagura appointed Chairman of the Federation of Bankers' Associations of Japan.
4月 MMC (money market certificate) market-interest-linked savings service initiated.
6月 Dealing of government guaranteed bonds and municipal bonds permitted.
6月 Guangzhou Representative Office opened.
6月 An Australian merchant bank is fully converted as a DKB subsidiary and renamed Dai-Ichi Kangyo Australia Limited.
7月 DKB ranked first among the world banks in terms of both total assets and deposits balance by American Banker.
7月 Dai-Ichi Kangyo Investment Management Co., Ltd. founded.
8月 DKB Futures (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. established.
9月 Stockholm Representative Office opened.
10月 Publication of "DKB Economic Report" (in Japanese) initiated.
11月 Publication of Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Quarterly Survey initiated.
12月 Third-stage on-line network implemented (as fund securities system).
昭和61年(1986) - 【竜門社】財団の創立百周年記念事業を開催する。【渋沢史料館】特別展「竜門社百年のあゆみ」を開催する。 渋沢関係略年譜
3月 Personal Computer Software Contest established.
3月 Milano Representative Office opened.
4月 The Sixth Long-Term Management Plan inaugurated.