(株)第一銀行『A brief history of the Dai-Ichi Bank Limited』(1952.09print)


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目次項目 ページ
[Foreword] p2
[Origin] p3
[Development of the Dai-Ichi Bank, Ltd.] p5
[Foreign exchange business] p7
[Unique position of the Dai-Ichi Bank] p7
[Branches of the Dai-Ichi Bank] p8
[Board of directors] p10
[Head office ; City branches ; Home branches] p12
[図版] NP
[Cherry blossomes / painted by Taikan Yokoyama] 表紙
[The First National Bank, Kabuto-cho, Tokyo (1873) [東京府下海運橋兜町第一国立銀行五階造真図 / 国輝筆]] 見返し
[Founder Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa (1840-1931)] 標題紙
[Commodore Perry's landing at Kurihama, Bay of Tokyo (1853)] p2
[Inauguration ceremony of the first railway service at Shimbashi, Tokyo (1872) [東京汐留鉄道御開業祭礼図 / 三代広重筆]] p3
[The First National Bank, Kabuto-cho, Tokyo (1873)] p4
[One yen bank note of the First National Bank in former days] p6
[The Dai-Ichi Bank, Ltd, head office, Marunouchi, Tokyo] p10
[Interior of the head office] p11