トヨタ自動車(株)『Toyota : a history of the first 50 years』(1988)


月日 事項 年表種別
昭和43年(1968) - 【竜門社】図書資料を収蔵する書庫(第1資料室)を曖依村荘内に建設。 渋沢関係略年譜
9月 Equity participation (10%) in AMI of Australia
10月 CKD export contract signed with Salvador Caetano J.M.V.T., S.A. of Portugal (first knockdown export to Europe)
10月 Distributor agreement signed with R.T. Briscoe (Nigeria) Ltd. of Nigeria
11月23日 No. 1 Toyota Maru goes into service for export shipments to the U.S.
昭和44年(1969) - 【竜門社】渋沢敬三伝記編纂刊行会の援助を開始する。 渋沢関係略年譜
1月1日 Southeast Toyota Distributors, Inc. established in the U.S.
1月 Toyota Part Depot Curacao established in Dutch Curacao (closes Sept. 1973)
3月 Distributor agreement signed with Salen & Wicander AB of Sweden
4月 TMS Brussels Office opens in Belgium
7月 Corona assembly begins at Fattal Vehicle Assembly Ltd. of Ghana
7月 Distributor agreement signed with Premoto S.A. of Cote d'Ivoire
8月1日 Gulf States Toyota Inc. established in the U.S.
8月 Corolla assembly begins at Thai Hino Industry Co., Ltd. of Thailand
9月 Corolla assembly begins at CMI of Canada (terminated Nov. 1975)
10月 Distributor agreement signed with Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo of Bahrain
昭和45年(1970) - 【竜門社】「渋沢青淵記念財団竜門社寄附行為」改正。 渋沢関係略年譜
1月 Distributor agreement signed with Toyota Italiana S.R.L. of Italy
4月1日 Mid-Atlantic Toyota Distributors, Inc. established in the U.S.
4月 Land Cruiser assembly begins at National Motor Ltd. of Pakistan (terminated Aug. 1986)
8月1日 TMC Brussels Office opens in Belgium
8月 First heat-resistance test conducted in the U.S.
9月 Distributor agreement signed with Deutsche Toyota-Vertrieb GmbH & Co. KG of the Federal Republic of Germany