
会社名 東京電灯(株)
Tokyo Dento Kabushiki Kaisha
書誌事項 [ 13790 / A189 ]東京電灯株式会社開業五十年史 / 東京電灯株式会社編
東京 : 東京電灯 : 1936.08
15, 269, 20p, 図版 ; 27cm
Tokyo Dento Kabushiki Kaisha kaigyo goju-nenshi
参照タイトル: 東京電灯株式会社開業50年史 ; 奥付の編輯者: 東京電灯株式会社新田宗雄 ; 印刷: 共同印刷 ; 折込み図8枚 ; 非売品 ; 縦組み
各種ID 『会社史総合目録 増補・改訂版』一連アイテム番号:3889 / 『主要企業の系譜図』図番号:27-1, 22-1, 7.1-4, 15.3-7
Company and Shashi Overview
In the early Meiji period, a British teacher and his Japanese students at the College of Engineering learned about the practicality of electric light from foreign magazines and other sources. They approached businessmen with the proposal of establishing an electrical company. In 1882, Yajima Sakuro (1839-1911) and Okura Kihachiro (1837-1928) applied to establish the Tokyo Dento Kaisha (“Tokyo Electric Light Company”). Permission was granted the following year and general operations began in 1886. A thermal power plant was built in Tokyo and electrical power began to be supplied in 1888. Shibusawa Eiichi (1840-1931) was heavily involved in the establishment of the company and sat on the board from 1888 to 1891. The shashi consists of sections on the 50 years of history since the establishment, contemporary conditions, and materials and documents as well as many photographs and charts. [In 1942, due to the power distribution control law, Tokyo Dento was consolidated with Kofu Denryoku, Fuji Denryoku, and Hitachi Denryoku into Kanto Haiden Kabushiki Kaisha (“Kanto Electric Distribution Co., Ltd.”).]
日経業種 電力
PermaLink https://shashi.shibusawa.or.jp/details_basic.php?sid=13790