味の素(株)『味の素株式会社社史. 1』(1971.06)

会社名 味の素(株)
Ajinomoto Kabushiki Kaisha
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
書誌事項 [ 970 / A438 ]味の素株式会社社史. 1 / 味の素株式会社社史編纂室編纂
東京 : 味の素 : 1971.06
12, 55, 469, 48p, 図版10枚 ; 27cm
Ajinomoto Kabushiki Kaisha shashi. 01
監修: 土屋喬雄 ; 執筆: 坂口謹一郎, 宮本常一, 由井常彦, 西村はつ ; 制作: 日本経営史研究所 ; 印刷: 凸版印刷 ; 折り込図3枚 ; 横組み
各種ID 『会社史総合目録 増補・改訂版』一連アイテム番号:0589 / 『主要企業の系譜図』図番号:4-47 / 『企業名変遷要覧』企業番号:0133
Company and Shashi Overview
This shashi was compiled to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the launch of “aji-no-moto” and consists of two volumes, one each on the pre- and post-WWII periods. The first volume starts with the Suzuki family’s production of iodine and covers the period until the financial difficulties of WWII. The second volume starts with the company’s revival after the war and covers the period until the diversification and internationalization of the 1960s. Although the previously published Ajinomoto enkakushi (The History of Ajinomoto) was an in-house project, this shashi was compiled by the Japan Business History Institute under the supervision of economist Tsuchiya Takao. Both volumes include prefatory remarks by authoritative organic chemists Dr. Sakaguchi Kin’ichiro and Dr. Akahori Shiro and volume one includes folklorist Miyamoto Tsuneichi’s “Nihon ni okeru chomiryo no rekishi” (The History of Seasonings in Japan).
日経業種 食品
PermaLink https://shashi.shibusawa.or.jp/details_basic.php?sid=970